
English Paper-I (107)

XI-Classpath porikolpona english


Exam Units Distribution of Units Class
Half-Yearly 1-12 Unit#1 Families Home and Abroad


Unit#2 English Around Us

Unit#3 Learning English

Unit#4 Pastimes

Unit#5 Personality Types

Unit#6 Our Environment

Unit#7 Disasters We Live With

Unit#8 towards Social Awareness

Unit#9 Getting Educated

Unit#10 Entertainment

Unit#11 Cultures Around the World.

Unit#12 Personalities

Final 12-24 Unit#13 We and Our Rights


Unit#14 Human Resources

Unit#15 towards Social Development

Unit#16 Wonders Home and Abroad

Unit#17 Modes of Communication

Unit#18 World Heritage

Unit#19 Healthy Living

Unit#20 Jobs and Professions

Unit#21 Globalization

Unit#22 Conquering Space

Unit#23 Challenges of the New Century

Unit#24 People Everywhere

N.B. Questions will be set following the sample questions by NCTB.











English Paper-I (108)



Exam Items





Pre-test & Test



Pre-test & Test

Group: A-Grammar


(i) Questions with Noun, Adverb and Adjective

(ii) Modifier

(iii) Further use of Adjectives and Adverbs, forms and using Words both as Adjectives and Adverbs

(iv) Word Formation (Suffix, Prefix)

(v) Subject- Verb Agreement

(Vi) Sentence Structures

(Vii) Further Use of Modals

(Viii) Further Use of Direct and Indirect Speech

(ix) Further Use of Transformation of Sentences

(x) Further Use of Tenses (e.g. Past in Future, Used to be, Used to etc)

(xi) Further Use of Articles

(xii) Appropriate Preposition

(xiii) Linking Words

(xiv) Idioms and Phrases

(xv) Emphatic Statements (e.g. Do come here)

(xvi) Further Use of Infinitives and Participles


Group: B-Composition

(i) Paragraph/Report

(ii) Short Composition

(iii) Completing a story

(iv) Writing a Summary/Dialogue

(v) Formal Letters




Syllabus for B.A / B.S.S. /B.B.S /B.Sc. Course

Subject: English (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 100

Session: 2013-2014


Detailed Syllabus


Course Code   Marks: 100 Credits: 4    Class Hours: 60
Course Title English (Compulsory)


Aims and objective of this course: To develop students’ English language skills, to enable them to benefit personally and professionally. The four skills- listening, speaking, reading and writing will be integrated to encourage better language use


  1. Reading and understanding                                               5×4=20


Students will be expected to read passages so that they might come across in their everyday life, such as newspapers, magazines, general books etc. Simple stories will also be included to give students a familiarity with different uses of the language.


[N.B. 5 Questions are to be answered. Each question will carry 4 marks. There may be division in each question]


  1. a) Understanding different purposes and types of readings
  2. b) Guessing word- meaning in context.
  3. c) Understanding long sentences
  4. d) Recognizing  main idea and supporting ideas
  5. e) Answering comprehension questions
  6. f) Writing summaries


  1. Writing
  2. Writing correct sentences, completing sentences and combining sentences.                                                           05
  3. Situational Writing: Posters, notices, slogans, memos, advertisements etc.                                04
  4. c) Paragraph Writing :Structure of a paragraph; to topic sentence; developing ideas; writing a conclusion; types of  paragraphs ( narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive); techniques of paragraph development ( such as listing, cause and effect, comparison and contrast)                                                                                         08



  1. d) Newspaper writing: Reports. Press realize, dialogue etc


  1. e) Writing resume                                                                                                                                                     Or,
  2. f) Writing letters     : Formal and Informal letters, letters to the editor, request letter, job applications, complaint letter etc.
  3. g) Essay                : Generating ideas; outlining, Writing a Thesis sentence; writing the essay: writing introduction, developing ideas, writing conclusion, revising and editing.                                                               15



  1. Grammar                                                                                              25


  1. a) Word order of sentences.
  2. b) Framing questions.
  3. c) Tenses, articles, subject –verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, verbs, phrasal verbs, conditionals, prepositions and prepositional phrases, infinitives, participles; gerunds. (Knowledge of grammar will be test through contextualized, passages).
  4. d) Punctuation


  1. Developing Vocabulary: Using the dictionary, suffixes, prefixes, synonyms, antonyms, changing word forms (from verb to noun etc.) and using them in sentences. 10


  1. Translation from Bengali to English. 1×5=5


  1. Speaking Skills: Speaking skill should be integrated with writing and reading in classroom activities.


The English sound system; pronunciation skills; the IPA system; problem sounds; vowels; consonant and diphthongs; lexical and syntactic stress.


(Writing dialogue and practice it orally students can develop their speaking skill. Dialogue writing can be an item in writing test.)








Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Reading  and  understanding; Writing; Grammar 30 Monjur Azad
Second Incourse Developing Vocabulary; Translation from Bengali to English; Speaking Skills 30 Monjur Azad
Test Exam. Revision of 1st and 2nd Incourse


  1. First Incourse :  April 2015  
  2. Second Incourse :  July 2015
  3. Test Examination :  September 2015