
ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ১ম পত্র (২৭৭)

একাদশ শ্রেণি


পরীক্ষা অধ্যায় বিষয়বস্ত্ত ক্লাস
অর্ধ-বার্ষিকী ১ম ব্যবসায়ের মৌলিক ধারণা
২য় ব্যবসায় পরিবেশ
৩য় একমালিকানা ব্যবসায়
৪র্থ অংশীদারি ব্যবসায়
৫ম  যৌথমূলধনি ব্যবসায়
৬ষ্ঠ সমবায় সমিতি
বার্ষিক ৭ম রাষ্ট্রীয় ব্যবসায়
৮ম ব্যবসায়ের আইনগত দিক
৯ম ব্যবসায়ে সহায়ক সেবা
১০ম ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ
১১শ ব্যবসায়ে তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার
১২শ ব্যবসায় নৈতিকতা ও সামাজিক দায়বদ্ধতা
পুনরালোচনা (অর্ধ-বার্ষিকী পরীক্ষার অধ্যায়সমূহ)



ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ২য় পত্র (২৭৮)

দ্বাদশ শ্রেণি


পরীক্ষা অধ্যায় বিষয়বস্ত্ত ক্লাস
প্রাক-নির্বাচনী প্রথম ব্যবস্থাপনার ধারণা
দ্বিতীয় ব্যবস্থাপনা নীতি
তৃতীয় পরিকল্পনা
চতুর্থ সংগঠিতকরণ
পঞ্চম কর্মীসংস্থান
ষষ্ঠ  নেতৃত্ব
নির্বাচনী সপ্তম নির্দেশনা
অষ্টম  প্রেষণা
নবম সমন্বয়
দশম নিয়ন্ত্রণ
একাদশ সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ
দ্বাদশ ব্যবসায় যোগাযোগ
পুনরালোচনা (প্রাক-নির্বাচনীর অধ্যায়নসমূহ)


Department of Management










Three Year B.B.S. Pass Course

Effective from the Session: 2013–2014


National University

Syllabus for 3 years B.B.S. Pass Course

Subject: Management

Session: 2013-2014


The Courses of Study for B.B.S. Pass in Management shall extend over a period of three academic years comprising Six papers with marks as indicated below:



Subject Code Paper Subject Title Marks Credits
First year:
Paper-I Introduction to Business 100 4
Paper-II Fundamentals of Management 100 4
Second year:
Paper-III Legal Environment of Business 100 4
Paper-IV Business Communication 100 4
Third year:
Paper-V Computer in Business 100 4
Paper-VI Organizational Behavior 100 4
Total= 600 24



Detailed Syllbus


Course Code Marks: 100 Credits:    Class Hours: 


  1. Basic Concept: Meaning of business-basic elements-features-branches and their place in economy of Bangladesh-business size-location of business-efficiency of business enterprises-social responsibility of business-society, business and Govt.
  2. Business Environment: Definition-components of external and internal environment-international environment-business environment of Bangladesh.
  3. Different Forms of Business Organizations: Characteristics merits and demerits of sole proprietorship, partnership, company, state enterprise and co-operative society.
  4. Joint Stock Company: Definition-features-types-formation-share capital-types of share & debentures-premium-discount- right issue-management and winding up-management pattern of joint stock company in Bangladesh,
  5. Institutions for Furtherance of Business : Chamber of Commerce and Indistries-EPZ-EPB-Port Authority-BGMEA.
  6. Globalization: Argument for and against globalization-related agency-WTO-IMF, SAARC, ASEAN.
  7. Trade Practice in Bangladesh: Commercial policy-import and export procedures-formalities-problems and measures to overcome problems-documents used in export and import-L.C.-shipping documents-commercial advices.


Books Recommended :


  1. Skinner & Invancevice :     Business for 21st Century
  2. Shulka, M.C, :     Management and Organization


Course Code Marks: 100 Credits:   Class Hours: 


  1. Introduction: Meaning-Scope-Importance-Principles-Functions, Management a Science or Art? Management as a Profession-Basic Managerial Roles and skills-Managers at different levels of the organization-Management as a career.
  2. Planning : Meaning-Importance-Types-Steps-Factors affecting planning-Planning techniques-Limits to planning-Making planning effective- Decision making process- Nature of managerial decision making-Factors in decision making-Steps in Decision making.
  3. Organizing: Meaning-Importance-Types of organization structure-Line organization-Functional organization-Committee-Span of Management-Authority-Delegation of authority-Centralization and decentralization of authority-Co-ordination-meaning-importance-principles and procedure of co-ordination.
  4. Leading: Leadership and its importance-Leadership styles-Qualities of a good leader. Direction-Importance and principles of direction-advantages and disadvantages-Consultative direction-Communication and its importance-main elements and process of communication-requirements for effective communication-Motivation: meaning-importance-theories of motivation-Financial and non-financial motivation.
  5. Controlling: Meaning-Nature-Importance-Control process-Requirements of an effective control system-Control techniques-Budgetary control-Meaning and process of budgetary control.


Books Recommended :


  1. Ricky W. Griffin :     Management, 5th Edition, A.I.B.S. Publisher & Distributors (Regd.) Delhi-110051 (India), 1997
  2. Heninz Weirich & :     Management A Global Perspective, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill, Inc. 1994


Course Code Marks: 100 Credits:    Class Hours: 


  1. Law of Contract-The Contract Act 1872: Definition of a contract-essential elements-offer and acceptance-consideration-void and avoidable agreements-capacity of parties to contract-free consent-contingent contract-performance of contract-breach of contract and remedies for breach-discharge of a contract-quasi contract.
  2. Law of Agency: Types of agency-misrepresentation and frauds by agent-sub-agents-co-agent-agent’s rights-personal responsibility of agents-termination of agency.
  3. Sale of Goods Act-1930: Definition-essential elements-stipulation of sale-transfer of ownership-conditions and warranties-unpaid seller and his rights-performance of contract of sale.
  4. Factories Act-1965: Classification of workers by age-health-hygiene of workers by age-health-hygiene-safety measures and welfare of workers-working hour-employment of young persons and women-leave and holidays.
  5. Employment of Labor (Standing Order) Act 1965: Conditions of employment-classifications of workers-calculation of period for continuous period-stoppage of work, layoff, etc. retrenchment-dismissal-punishment-termination-penalties and provident fund rules.
  6. Industrial Relation Ordinance 1969: Formation of trade unions and registration-unfair labour practice-collective bargaining agents (CBA)-strike and lockout-negotiating-conciliation and arbitration of labour disputes-labour court and Labour Appellate Tribunal.


Books Recommended:


  1. Sen, A.K.A. :     A Hand Book of Commercial Law
  2. Sen, A.K. & Mitra, J.K. :     Commercial Law and Industrial Law
  3. Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 (as amended up 1985)
  4. Bangladesh Employment of Labour Act, 1965 (as amended up to 1985)


Course Code Marks: 100 Credits:     Class Hours: 


  1. Introduction: Meaning of Communication and business communication-Scope-Purpose-Process-Principles-Functioins-Importance and models of communication-Bariers to effective communication and improvements of communication-Communication Problems in Bangladesh. Types of communication: written-oral-Nonverbal-Downward-UPward-Formal-Informal-Hroizontal.
  2. Media of Communication: Major media of written communication: Letters-memos-style and structure-Advantages and disadvantages of different media of written communication. Major Media of Oral Communication: speech-Face to face conversation-interviews-meetings-advantages and disadvantages of different media of good communication-Mass communication. Non-verbal communication: Symbols-Gesture-Body Language-Visual communication.
  3. Internal Communication: Communication within organization and small groups-Office memos.
  4. Report Writing: Types of report-Characteristics and importance of different types of report-Purpose-Scope-Different styles of writing reports-preparation of report.
  5. Letter Writing: Drafting business letters-Selecting formats-Characteristics of business letter-Functions of a first middle and last paragraph-Types of letter-official letter-Circular letter-Letter of inquiry-Letter of order-Letter of complaints-Dunning letter-Letter of adjustment Letters Banking and Insurance Company.
  6. Technology in Modern Communication: Electronic media in oral and written communication (Telephone-FAX-ISD)-Computer-Internet-E-mail-Multimedia and business related software.


Books Recommended :


  1. Raymond V. Esikar :     Basic Business Communication, Irwin, Chicago, USA
  2. Batty and Kay :     Business Communication System and Application


Course Code
Marks: 100 Credits:      Class Hours: 


  1. Information System: Meaning of information and information system-Role of computer in information systems-Value and cost if information-Evaluation of information systems-Different information for different management levels. Application of Computers in Bangladesh.


  1. Hardware and Software: Computer and its different parts-Understanding how computer work-Computer networks-Internet-Idea about computer programming and computer languages-Review of different types of computer packages and their uses.


  1. Operating Systems: Meaning of operating systems-Review of different operating systems-Understanding and using DOS and Windows.


  1. Word Processing: Training in using one word processing package (Word Perfect of MS Word)
  2. Spread Sheet Analysis: Training in using one spread sheet package (MS Excel)


  1. Data Base: Training in using one data base package (DBASE or MS Access).


Books Recommended:


  1. Gordon B. Davis and M.H. Olson: Management Information Systems, McGraw Hill Book Company, N,J, USA.


  1. Manuals of relevant software packages.
  2. Burstein, J :     Computers and Information Systems, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, USA



Course Code

Marks: 100 Credits: 4     Class Hours: 


  1. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: Working with people – Social Systems Motivating employees – Job satisfaction – Developing a sound organizational climate.
  2. Communication and group dynamics – Interpersonal relations – Organizational control.
  3. Motivational theories: The classical model – Two factor theory-Equity theory-Multiplicative-theory, theory of Maslaw’s need priority-Job satisfaction.
  4. Leadership in organization: Leadership traits and characteristics-Personality factors-Situation factors-Interaction of personality and situation factors-Leadership effectiveness- Theories and research.
  5. Conflict in organization: Industrial conflict-Organizational conflicts at the individual and group level-Organization reaction to conflicts at the individual and group level-Organization reaction to conflict-Inter organizational conflict.


Books Recommended:


  1. W. T. Greenwood : Management and Organization Behavior Theories.
  2. Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki : Organizational Behavior, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Boston, USA.
  3. S. P. Robbins : Organisational Behavior, Prentice Hall India Ltd., New Delhi, India.













First Year


Paper Course Title Marks Credits
Paper-I Introduction to Business 100 4
Paper-II Fundamentals of Management 100 4

Paper- I:

 Introduction to Business

Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Basic Concept  



Syed Bulbul Ali
Business Environment
Different Forms of Business Organizations
Joint Stock Company
Second Incourse Institutions for Furtherance of Business 30 Syed Bulbul Ali
Trade Practice in Bangladesh
Test Examination Rivision of First and Second Incourse.

Paper- II

Fundamentals of Management

Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Introduction 30 Md. Sazzad Hossain
Second Incourse Leading 30 Md. Sazzad Hossain
Test Examination Rivision of First and Second Incourse.


Examination Date


  1. First Incourse :  April 2015  
  2. Second Incourse :  July 2015
  3. Test Examination :  September 2015


Second Year


Paper Subject Title Marks


Paper-III Legal Environment of Business 100
Paper-IV Business Communication 100

Paper- III

Legal Environment of Business

Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Law of Contract-The Contract Act 1872 30 Syed Bulbul Ali
Law of Agency
Sale of Goods Act-1930
Second Incourse Factories Act-1965 30 Syed Bulbul Ali


Employment of Labor (Standing Order) Act 1965
Industrial Relation Ordinance 1969
Test Examination Rivision of First and Second Incourse.

Paper- IV

Business Communication


Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Introduction 30  

Mahfuzur Rahman



Media of Communication
Internal Communication
Report Writing 30  

Mahfuzur Rahman


Letter Writing
Technology in Modern Communication
Test Examination Rivision of First and Second Incourse.


Examination Date


  1. First Incourse :  April 2015  
  2. Second Incourse :  July 2015
  3. Test Examination :  September 2015



Third Year


Paper Subject Title Marks


Paper- V Computer in Business 100
Paper- VI Organizational Behavior 100



Paper- V

Computer in Business


Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Information System 30  

Mahfuzur Rahman

Hardware and Software
Operating Systems
Second Incourse Word Processing 30 Mahfuzur Rahman
Spread Sheet Analysis
Data Base
Test Examination Rivision of First and Second Incourse.

Paper- VI

Organizational Behavior


Incourse Chapter Number of Class Teacher’s Name
First Incourse Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior 30  

Faruq Hossain


Communication and group dynamics – Interpersonal relations – Organizational control.
Motivational theories
Second Incourse Leadership in organization 30 Faruq Hossain
Conflict in organization
Test Examination Rivision of First and Second Incourse.



Examination Date


  1. First Incourse :  April 2015  
  2. Second Incourse :  July 2015
  3. Test Examination :  September 2015









পাঠ পরিকল্পনা

Course Plan







৪ বছর মেয়াদী অনার্স কোর্স



ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগ

সম্মান ১ম বর্ষ



Session: 2013-2014




Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Introduction to Business


1st-8th Business concept, Business organizations, Development of joint stock company. 30 FH 1st Incourse
9st-15th Co-operative societies in Bangladesh, Institutions for promotion of Business, Trade Practices in Bangladesh. 30 FH 2nd



Principles of Accunting


1st-5th Introduction to Accounting, Financial Accounting process, Processing Accounting Data,

The Ledger, The Trail Balance,

30 SB 1st


6th -10th Accounting system, Final Accounts, Accounting for Assets, Accounting for Liabilities, Accounting for Partnership, 30 SB 2nd



Principles of Marketing


1st-5th Creating & capturing customer Value, Company & Marketing strategy, Analyzing Marketing Environment, Market & Buyer Behavior, Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights, Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior 30 MR 1st


6th -10th Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers, Products, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value, New-Product Development and Product Life Cycle Strategies, Pricing : Understanding and Capturing Customer Value, 30 MR 2nd



Principles of Management


1st-4th Introduction to Management, Environment, Planning, Objectives, 30 SH 1st Incourse
5th -8th Decision Making, Organizing, Leading, Controlling. 30 SH 2nd



Micro Economics 1st-4th Introduction, Utility Analysis and Indifference Curve Analysis, Demand, Supply, 30 EH 1st Incourse
5th -8th Production, Cost, Markets and Revenue, Price and Output, 30 EH 2nd



History of the Emergence

of Independent of Bangladesh


1st-5th Description of the country and its people, Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947. Language Movement, Pakistan: Military rule: 30 SH 1st


6th -10th Rise   of nationalism and the Movement   for   self determination .The mass- upsurge   of 1969 and 11 point movement: Election of 1970 and the Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu,The war of Liberation  1971,The Bangabondhu  Regime 1972-1975


30 SH 2nd




F Test Examination: 01/01/2015-15/01/2015














পাঠ পরিকল্পনা

Course Plan







৪ বছর মেয়াদী অনার্স কোর্স



ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগ

সম্মান ২য় বর্ষ




Session: 2012-2013




Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Business Communication and

Report Writing-7111

1st-6th Introduction: Types of  Communication: Major Media of Written Communication: Major Media of Oral Communication: Internal Communication: Non Verbal Communication: 30 SB 1st


7st-11th Employment Communication: Communication skills: Business Report Writing: Letter Writing: Technology in Modern Communication: 30 SB 2nd



Computer and Information Technology 7420 1st-5th Introduction:Fundamentals of Computer Hardware: Introduction to System Software and Application Software: Graphical User Interface: Information Systems in Business:

Solving Business Problems with Information Systems:

30 MR 1st


6th -10th Computer Systems:Managing IT:Information Systems for Managerial Decision Support:

Information Systems for Strategic Advantage:

Information Systems for Business Operations:









Theory of Taxation:

Business Taxation–An Introduction:

30 SB 1st Incourse


Income Tax: Other Taxes in Bangladesh 30 SB 2nd



Business Statistics-7112 1st-4th Introduction: Measures of Central Tendency,Sampling and Sampling distributions: Measures of dispersion:

Probability and probability distributions:

30 SH 1st


5th -9th Hypothesis Testing: Index Number:

Forecasting and time series analysis:

Correlation and Regression Analysis:

30 SH 2nd



Macro Economics-7227  




Measuring Economic Activity, Consumption and Investment: Business Fluctuations and the Theory of Aggregate Demand:Overview of Macroeconomics: 30 KR 1st


5th -8th Policies for Growth and Stability: The Challenge of Economic Development:

Unemployment and the Foundations of aggregate SupplyEnsuring Price Stability:

Process of Economic Growth:

30 KR 2nd



Human Rsource Management 2662




Development of Human Resources,Acquisition of Human Resources,Introduction to Human Resource Management 30 FH 1st




Maintenance of Human Resources, Motivation of Human Resources 30 FH 2nd




F Test Examination: November 2015
















পাঠ পরিকল্পনা

Course Plan







৪ বছর মেয়াদী অনার্স কোর্স



ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগ

সম্মান ৩য় বর্ষ




Session: 2011-2012




Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Office Management



1st-5th Introduction, Office Accommodation, Office manual and office forms, Record management, Office Furniture and Equipment 30 FH 1st


6th-10th Office management in Bangladesh, Office Secretary, Meeting, Office Correspondence and Report writing, Office work measurement and cost control 30 FH 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Supply Chain Management-I




1st-5th Understanding the Supply Chain, Supply Chain Performance- Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope,

Supply Chain Drivers and Metrics, Networks and Applications to e-Business, Network Design in the Supply Chain,

30 SB 1st


6th-9th Designing Global Supply Chain Networks, Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain

Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain Sales and Operations Planning-Planning Supply and Demand in a Supply Chain

30 SB 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam



1st-4th Introduction: Cost Concepts and Classifications: Absorption and Variable Costing:Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships: 30 SB 1st


5th-8th Relevant Costs for Decision Making:Budgeting and Budgetary Control: Flexible Budget: tandard Costing: 30 SB 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam


1st-4th Goals and Functions of Finance:Capital Budgeting and Risk Analysis: Theory of Capital Structure: Dividend  Policy: 30 SH 1st


5th-7th Working Capital Management: Lease Financing:

Capital Market Financing:

30 SH 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Legal Environment of Business



1st-4th The Contract Act, 1872: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930: The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881:

The Partnership Act, 1932:

30 MR 1st


5th-7th The Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006: The Arbitration Act, 2001: The Trade Marks Act, 2009:The Bangladesh Environment: Conservation Act, 1995: 30 MR 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam


1st-4th Introduction: Banking Company in Bangladesh: BB’s Guidelines for Banks: Financial Statements of Banking Companies: 30 SH 1st


5th-8th Introduction to Insurance: Insurance Company in Bangladesh: Calculation of Premium and Claims of Insurance: Financial Statements of Insurance Companies 30 SH 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Entrepreneurship 8264


1st-5th Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Financing Small Enterprise: Entrepreneurial and Small Business: Planning of Small Business:

Entrepreneurial Environment and Business Opportunity Identification:

30 FH 1st


6th-9th Writing a Business Plan: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development in Bangladesh:

Business Documents Collection Procedure and Maintenance:Creativity and Marketing Idea:

30 FH 2nd






Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam



1st-4th Identifying Market Segments and Targets:

Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans:

Analyzing Consumer and Business Markets:

Defining Marketing for the 21st Century:

30 MR 1st


5th-8th Building Strong Brands: Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs:Setting Product Strategy: Designing and Managing Services 30 MR 2nd



F Test Examination: February 2015
















পাঠ পরিকল্পনা

Course Plan







৪ বছর মেয়াদী অনার্স কোর্স



ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগ

সম্মান ৪র্থ বর্ষ




Session: 2010-2011




Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
International Trade


1st-5th Definition & Importance of International Trade, Theories of International Trade, Protectionism and Free Trade, The Economics of Foreign Exchange, International Trade Transactions. 30 FH 1st


6th-9th Foreign Exchange Market, Issue of International Economics, Bangladesh and International Trade. Export Processing Zone in Bangladesh. 30 FH 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Investment Management


1st-5th Introductioon, Intermediate Term Financing, Obtaining Investment Information, Valuation, Portfolio Management. 30 SH 1st


6th-9th Theory of Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Retained Earnings, Long Term Financing, Financing Institutions in Bangladesh. 30 SH 2nd




Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Project Management


1st-5th Nature of Project Management, Project Formulation and appraisal, Market and Demand Analysis, Project Risk Analysis, Planning and Scheduling of Projects. 30 SH 1st


6th-9th Resource Mobilization, Project Implementation, Monitoring Valuation and Termination of Projects, Project Management in Bangladesh. 30 SH 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Industrial Relations


1st-4th An Overview of Industrial Relation, Trade union Movement, Employers and Their Organizations, Collective bargaining, 30 SB 1st


5th-8th Role of Govt., Conciliation Service, Participative Management and Industrial Democracy’s Determinants, Bangladesh and ILO. 30 SB 2nd



Course Name Chapter Course Content No. of class Class Teacher Name of Exam
Company Law


1st-5th Introduction, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, Share Capital, Share Certificate Share Warrant. 30 FH 1st


5th-9th Company Management and Administration, Meetings, Borrowings Power and Methods, Winding-Up of Companies 30 FH 2nd



History of the Emergence of Independent of Bangladesh


1st-5th Description of the country and its people, Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947. Language Movement, Pakistan: Military rule: 30 SH 1st


6th -10th Rise   of nationalism and the Movement   for   self determination .The mass- upsurge   of 1969 and 11 point movement: Election of 1970 and the Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu,The war of Liberation  1971,The Bangabondhu  Regime 1972-1975


30 SH 2nd




F Test Examination: March 2015